1493. Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element
Given a binary array nums
, you should delete one element from it.
Return the size of the longest non-empty subarray containing only 1
's in the resulting array. Return 0
if there is no such subarray.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [1,1,0,1]
Output: 3
Explanation: After deleting the number in position 2, [1,1,1] contains 3 numbers with value of 1's.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1]
Output: 5
Explanation: After deleting the number in position 4, [0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1] longest subarray with value of 1's is [1,1,1,1,1].
Example 3:
Input: nums = [1,1,1]
Output: 2
Explanation: You must delete one element.
1 <= nums.length <= 10^5
is either0
My Solution
// using sliding window
* @param {number[]} nums
* @return {number}
var longestSubarray = function(nums) {
let left = 0;
let zeroCount = 0
let maxLen = 0;
for(let right = 0; right < nums.length; right++) {
if (nums[right] === 0) {
while (zeroCount > 1) {
// If the number of zeros exceeds one, move the left pointer to the right,
// reducing the number of zeros.
if (nums[left] === 0) {
// The current window's length is right - left + 1.
// However, according to the problem's condition that one element must be deleted,
// the actual length becomes right - left.
maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, right - left);
return maxLen;
Initialize Variables
: Start with two pointers, left and right, at the start of the array. left marks the beginning of the window, and right marks the end. Also, have a zeroCount to keep track of the zeros in the window, and a maxLength to store the longest sequence found.Expand Window
: Move right pointer to the right (increase it) to make the window bigger. Every time you see a 0, increase zeroCount.Check Zeros
: If zeroCount is more than 1, it means there are too many zeros in our current window. We need only one or none.Shrink Window
: Start moving left pointer to the right (increase it) to make the window smaller from the left side. Do this until zeroCount is 1 or less again. If you pass a 0 while moving left, decrease zeroCount.Calculate Length
: The current window length is the difference between right and left. Update maxLength if this length is the longest found so far.Repeat
: Keep expanding the window by moving right until you've checked the whole array.Return Result
: The longest sequence length is maxLength. Remember, we subtract one from the window length because we're allowed to remove one 0