
Basic C Programming

Features of C

  • C is English-like
  • C is quite compact - has a small number of keywords
  • C is the lowest in level of the high-level languages
  • C can be faster and more powerful than other high-level languages
  • C programs that need to be maintained are large in number
  • C is used extensively in high-performance computing
  • UNIX, Linux and Windows operating systems are written in C and C++

C Compiler

C Program Structure

#include <stdio.h> // Preprocessor directive
// #: This symbol at the beginning of a line is used for preprocessor commands.
// <stdio.h>: This is a header file. (stdio.h stands for "standard input-output header")
int main() { // Function header
// int main() {: 'int' means that this function will return an integer. 
// 'main()' is a special function that always runs first when your program starts.
    printf("Hello World!"); // Function body
    // printf("Hello World!");: 'printf' is a function used to print text on your screen.
    return 0; // Function footer
    // 'return' ends the function and sends back (or "returns") an integer value
    //  in this case, 0 indicates that everything went okay.
// }: This closes off our main function - everything between { and } belongs to main().

Escape Sequence / Comments

Escape SequenceDescription
\nLine break
//Single line comment
/* */Multi-line comment